Keynote Speaker 1

H.E Suryo Pratomo
Ambassador of the Republic
of Indonesia
Professional Summary
Senior diplomat with 19 years of experience in international relations and negotiations, and foreign policy development with expertise in legal and French language.
Work Experience
- Minister Counsellor, Economic Affairs - Embassy of Indonesia in Singapore (April 2023 - Present)
- Deputy Director for Environmental Treaties at the Directorate General of International Treaties and Legal Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020-2023)
- Counsellor, Protocol and Consular Affairs - Consulate General of Indonesia in Marseille, France (2016-2020)
- Assistant Deputy-Director for Marine and Maritime Treaties at the Directorate General of International Treaties and Legal Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2013-2016)
- Second Secretary, Political, Protocol and Consular Affairs- Embassy of Indonesia in Paris, France (2010- 2013)
- Assistant Deputy-Director for South African Affairs at the Directorate General of Asia Pacific and Africa - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007-2010)
- Staff at the Directorate General of International Treaties and Legal Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2006)
- Intern at the Embassy of Indonesia in London, UK (2006)
- Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia (2005)
- Master’s in International Economic Law and Development, Université Paris 5 René Descartes, Paris-France
- Bachelor’s in International law, University of Andalas, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
- Diplomatic Course and Training – Leadership level, 2021
- Diplomatic Course and Training – Mid level, 2015
- Summer Course in International Law the Hague, the Netherlands, 2010
- Diplomatic Course and Training – Basic level 2005
- Various Workshops/Courses in WTO and UNCITRAL, International Regime Climate Change (UNEP)
Keynote Speaker 2

Mr. Kelvin Wong
Chief Executive Officer
Building and Construction Authority
Mr Kelvin Wong is the Chief Executive Officer of the Building and Construction Authority (BCA). He joined BCA on 27 July 2020 as the CEO-Designate before taking on the appointment as CEO on 2 November 2020.
Prior to joining BCA, Kelvin was the Executive Vice President of Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). At the EDB, Kelvin oversaw the development of strategic growth engines in Hub Services and Supply Chain & Connectivity as well as EDB’s new businesses and policy and planning divisions. Kelvin started his career with EDB in 1996 and has helmed various key portfolios including logistics, professional services and urban solutions.
Mr Wong is a Glaxo-EDB scholar who graduated from the Imperial College, University of London (Masters in Communications and Signal Processing and a First Class Honours in Electronics and Electrical Engineering) in 1996.

Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
Minister of State
for Home Affairs and National Development