Executive Biography of Professor PE Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng

Prof Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng

Chairman, Circular Economy Taskforce NUS and Chairman, Sustainable Manufacturing Technical Committee, IES

Professor PE Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng, Everest Chair (https://www.linkedin.com/in/seeram-ramakrishna/; https://blog.nus.edu.sg/seeram/) is the top salient researcher in Materials Science at the National University of Singapore (https://academic.microsoft.com/institution/165932596/authors?f=Composite(F.FId%3D192562407). He is also among the five leading researchers of Singapore (http://www.webometrics.info/en/hlargerthan100; https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/all-afternoons-work-analysis-scientific-output-scientists-loh/?trackingId=trackingId237).

NUS ranked among the top ten best global universities for engineering in the world (https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/engineering). Highest professional distinctions include an elected Fellow of UK Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng); Singapore Academy of Engineering; Indian National Academy of Engineering; and ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology. He is also an elected Fellow of American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS); ASM International; American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME); American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE); Institution of Mechanical Engineers, IMechE and Institution of Materials, Minerals & Mining, IoM3, UK; ISTE, India; and International Union of Biomaterials Science & Engineering (FBSE). He is senior member of IEEE. He received PhD from University of Cambridge, UK; and the TGMP training from Harvard University, USA. Among numerous recognitions he received are: IIT Madras Distinguished Alumni Award; Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship; UK Cambridge Nehru Fellowship; Honorary Everest Chair of Nepal (https://mbustb.org/member_cat/honorary-chair/); CUT Honorary Engineering Doctorate, South Africa; APA Distinguished Researcher Award, International Federation of Engineering Education Societies President award- Global Visionary; Global Engineering Dean’s Council Ambassador; ASEAN Outstanding Engineer Award; Institute of Engineers Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award. Thomson Reuters identified him among the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds. His Google Scholar shows over 120,500 citations, ~ 160 h-index, and over 1010 i10-index (https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&user=a49NVmkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate). Clarivate Analytics recognized him among the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in the world in materials science and cross-fields categories. Microsoft Academic ranked him among the top 50 authors out of three million materials researchers worldwide based on saliency, publications, citations and h-index (https://academic.microsoft.com/authors/192562407). He is regarded as the guru of electrospinning and nanofibers (http://nart2020.com/conferenceinfo/ and(http://researchanalytics.thomsonreuters.com/m/pdfs/grr-materialscience.pdf).

His academic leadership includes NUS’s Vice-President (Research Strategy); Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Director of NUS Enterprise; Director of NUS Industry Liaison Office; Director of NUS International Relations Office; Founding Director of NUS Bioengineering; Founding Co-Director of NUS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Institute. As a founding Chairman he championed the establishment ~ $100 million Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, SERIS. He served as a board member of several national organizations, policy institutes, and tertiary education institutions. He founded the Global Engineering Deans Council (http://gedcouncil.org/ambassadors) while serving as the Vice-President of International Federation of Engineering Educator Societies (IFEES). He authored the book The Changing Face of Innovation. He is a founding member of Plastics Recycling Association of Singapore, PRAS (https://www.sgc.org.sg/events/event-details/sgc-sustainability-committee-and-pras), and Director of PRAS Center of Excellence. He is the Circular Economy Taskforce Chair at NUS. He is a member of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) committee of Singapore Institute of Directors (www.sid.org.sg). He is a member of Enterprise Singapore’s and ISO’s Committees on ISO/TC323 Circular Economy and WG3 on Circularity. He also the Chair of Sustainable Manufacturing TC at the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES); and a member of standards committee of Singapore Manufacturing Federation (http://www.smfederation.org.sg). He is a member of Technical Committee for Circularity of Materials, Environment and Resources Standards Committee, Enterprise Singapore (ESG). He is an advisor to the MSE-National Environmental Agency’s CESS events, (https://www.cleanenvirosummit.sg/programme/speakers/professor-seeram-ramakrishna; ; https://youtube.com/watch?v=ptSh_1Bgl1g). He is an organizer of MRS Materials Circular Economy symposium (https://www.mrs-mexico.org.mx/imrc2021/symposium-B3). He is an advisor to the World Bank. He is a member of UNESCO’s Global Independent Expert Group on Universities and the 2030 Agenda (https://www.uib.no/en/sdgbergen/141236/members-unesco-expert-group).

European Commission Director-General for Environment, Excellency Daniel Calleja Crespo said “Professor Seeram Ramakrishna should be praised for his personal engagement leading the reflections on how to develop a more sustainable future for all” in his foreword for the Springer Nature book on Circular Economy (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-15-8510-4).